frmMDI MDI NotePad MDIForm15 picToolbar imgPasteButtonUp wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww imgPasteButtonDn wwwwwwwwwww imgCopyButtonDn wwwwwwwwwww imgCopyButtonUp wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww imgCutButtonDn wwwwwwwwwww imgCutButtonUp wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww imgFileOpenButtonDn wwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp imgFileOpenButtonUp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwp wwwwp imgFileNewButtonUp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp imgFileNewButtonDn wwwwwwwwwww imgPasteButton wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww imgCopyButton wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww imgCutButton wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwww imgFileOpenButton wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwp wwwwp imgFileNewButton wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp mnuFile &File mnuFNew mnuFOpen &Open mnuFExit E&xit mnuOptions &Options mnuOToolbar &Toolbar imgCopyButton_Click imgCopyButtonh EditCopyProc imgCopyButton_MouseDown ButtonB Shift PictureX imgCopyButtonDn imgCopyButton_MouseMove Width6 Height) imgCopyButtonUp imgCopyButton_MouseUp imgCutButton_Clickw imgCutButton EditCutProc imgCutButton_MouseDown imgCutButtonDnT imgCutButton_MouseMove imgCutButtonUpr imgCutButton_MouseUp imgFileNewButton_Click imgFileNewButton FileNew> imgFileNewButton_MouseDown imgFileNewButtonDn imgFileNewButton_MouseMove imgFileNewButtonUp6 imgFileNewButton_MouseUpj imgFileOpenButton_Click imgFileOpenButton FOpenProc imgFileOpenButton_MouseDown imgFileOpenButtonDn imgFileOpenButton_MouseMoveM imgFileOpenButtonUp imgFileOpenButton_MouseUp imgPasteButton_Click imgPasteButton EditPasteProc imgPasteButton_MouseDown imgPasteButtonDn/ imgPasteButton_MouseMove imgPasteButtonUp[ imgPasteButton_MouseUpd MDIForm_Load Document FState Dirty MDIForm_Unload Cancel AnyPadsLeft mnuFExit_Click mnuFNew_Click mnuFOpen_Click mnuOptions_Click mnuOToolbar Checked frmMDI picToolbar Visible mnuOToolbar_Click OptionsToolbarProc imgCopyButton_Click imgCopyButton_MouseDown imgCopyButton_MouseMove If the button is pressed, display the up bitmap if theM mouse is dragged outside the button's area, otherwise display the up bitmap imgCopyButton_MouseUp imgCutButton_Click imgCutButton_MouseDown imgCutButton_MouseMove If the button is pressed, display the up bitmap if the mouse is dragged outside the button's area, otherwise display the up bitmap imgCutButton_MouseUp imgFileNewButton_Click imgFileNewButton_MouseDown imgFileNewButton_MouseMove If the button is pressed, display the up bitmap if the mouse is dragged outside the button's area, otherwise display the up bitmap imgFileNewButton_MouseUp imgFileOpenButton_Click imgFileOpenButton_MouseDown imgFileOpenButton_MouseMove If the button is pressed, display the up bitmap if the mouse is dragged outside the button's area, otherwise display the up bitmap imgFileOpenButton_MouseUp imgPasteButton_Click imgPasteButton_MouseDown imgPasteButton_MouseMove If the button is pressed, display the up bitmap if the mouse is dragged outside the button's area, otherwise display the up bitmap imgPasteButton_MouseUp MDIForm_Load Application starts here (Load event of Startup form). Always set working directory to directory containing the application. Initialize document form arrays, and show first document. MDIForm_Unload If the Unload was not canceled (in the QueryUnload events for the Notepad forms) there will be no document windows left, so go ahead and end the application.r mnuFExit_Click mnuFNew_Click mnuFOpen_Click mnuOptions_Click mnuOToolbar_Click